The thing is, accountants a long time ago could’ve been replaced by computer programmers, the problem is a shortage and the expense of programmers. Accountants, any dumbass with Excel can do that.
This problem will remain, there are simply not enough people smart enough to program the AIs to take over accountants’ jobs and accountants aren’t valuable enough to invest to replace.
As with computers, “AI” (current language and other prediction models) will increase productivity in all aspects of life, they won’t take over your job, but the accountant will no longer use Excel (as we know it today) like they no longer use tabulated paper or ticker tape calculators. Instead of having to write a formula in Excel, they will put in a sentence on what they want to do with the data. This will lead to a faster results, a slightly more replaceable accountant but increased error rates which someone up higher (a programmer) will then have to solve when they accumulate these documents. Things will change but they will largely remain the same.